
Is Collagen from Plant Collagen Healthier?

Your body makes collagen every day. It uses special parts from high-protein foods like chicken, beef, and fish to create fish collagen protein. You can also find it in animal bones and eggshell bits. However, some plants have things that can help make collagen. However, real collagen isn't in plants, and your body might find it hard to make collagen from plants.

As we dive into plant-based options, we discover something super exciting: plant-based collagen. It's not just a substitute; it's a powerful contender for a healthy lifestyle.

This article will reveal the fascinating distinctions between plant-based and animal collagen. Also, Is Collagen from Plant Collagen Healthier? 

 So you can make smart choices for your health.

plant collagen healthier

What Is Collagen?

Collagen is like the body's natural glue, holding everything together beautifully. It plays a crucial role in making:

  • Bones
  • Skin
  • Muscles
  • Tendons
  • Ligaments

 The 4 Major Collagens in Your Body

Our bodies contain various collagen types, but four super important ones make up most of our collagen—about 80-90%:

  • Type 1: Imagine this collagen as a sturdy, tightly woven net that shapes our tendons, bones, teeth, skin, and other important stuff that holds us together. Cool, right?
  • Type 2: Type II collagen is like a loose, stretchy net in our elastic cartilage.
  • Type 3: This collagen helps our arteries, organs, and muscles stay strong and healthy.
  • Type 4: Imagine Type IV as a filter in our skin, helping to keep things clean.

Plant collagen is becoming more popular as a healthier alternative to traditional collagen. Collagen manufacturers  are searching for new methods to extract collagen from fruits and seaweeds.

3 Different Collagen Sources

Let's discuss three types of collagen, each with its own story!

  1. 1.     Marine Collagen:

Imagine that it comes from fish scales and skin, also called fish collagen. It's like a superhero for healing and making your skin strong and bouncy.

  1. 2.     Bovine Collagen:

Bovine collagen is like a mixture of two types of collagen, Type III and Type I, from cows eating lots of grass. It's like magic for your skin and bones and even helps with joint pains.

  1. 3.     Plant Collagen:

Technically, plants don't have collagen, but scientists have a trick! They found that some special plant nutrients can help your body make collagen. Additionally, it's like a hidden recipe filled with ingredients like sulfur, amino acids, copper, and vitamins. This is the closest option for vegans, but it's not identical.

So, there you have it—three unique collagens for different needs!

Collagen sourece

What Are Plant-Based Collagen Sources?

Here are some Collagen Sources from Plants:

  • First, Fruits like berries, oranges, and kiwi. Yum!
  • In Vegetables: carrots, spinach, and bell peppers. So good for you!
  • Also, Nuts like almonds and walnuts. They are delicious snacks!
  • Herbs like parsley, basil, and cilantro. They make food taste amazing.
  • Moreover, Seeds like chia seeds, flaxseeds, and hemp seeds. Packed with good stuff!

These plant-based sources can help your body make collagen naturally! Also, collagen manufacturers are playing a pivotal role in the transformation to plant-based collagen production.

Plant Collagen Alternatives: Nature's Skin Boosters

Discover how nature's ingredients can make your skin strong and healthy.

Corn Peptide :

  • Derived from corn
  • Corn peptide boosts skin strength naturally.

Pea Peptide:

  • Made from peas.
  • Enhances collagen power for healthier skin.

Bitter Melon Peptide:

  • Extracted from bitter melon.
  • A natural choice for plant-based collagen support

Soy peptide :

  • This peptide is extracted from soybeans.
  • It refreshes the skin naturally because soy peptide is an excellent chemical.
  • Its high content of amino acids means it promotes collagen production and keeps skin soft.

Wheat peptide:

  • This peptide is extracted from Wheat grains.
  • Wheat peptide is a source of necessary nutrients in skin care products, so it is an excellent addition.
  • Its unique qualities result in visibly younger, silkier skin.

Rice peptide :

  • Rice peptides may be extracted from the rice grain.
  • Rice peptide is a gentle yet effective skin booster. It aids in enhancing skin's resilience and promoting an even skin tone, making it a valuable addition to your skincare routine.
  • To condition the skin without irritating it, use rice peptides. This is a great product to add to your skincare regimen if you want tighter skin and a more even tone.

Walnut peptide :

  • Peptide isolated from walnuts is an all-natural way to nourish your skin.
  • The added benefit of making weary skin seem younger and healthier is a nice bonus.

Test these plant-based peptides in your skincare regimen to see whether they help you get tighter, healthier skin. The natural components they contain will bring out the best in your skin if you use them regularly. These plant-based options help you keep your skin naturally looking its best.

plant-based collagen

Side Effects of Collagen Supplements and Safe Use

Collagen Supplement Safety:

Collagen supplements are usually safe, and they don't cause harm.

But be cautious with some supplements:

Sometimes, they mix collagen with other things. Some of these things might not be good for you.

Watch Out for Herbs and High Vitamins:

Things like herbs and lots of vitamins, especially in skin, nails, and hair supplements, can be tricky.

Be Careful with Mixin:

Sometimes, the stuff in the supplement can mess with the medicines you take or be risky for pregnant or nursing people.

Megadoses could be trouble:

Taking too much of some vitamins and minerals for a long time isn't a great idea.

Keep an eye on labels:

So, when you take collagen, make sure you read the labels. Be smart about what's inside. 

Vegan Collagen: What's It All About?

"Vegan" collagen is a unique type, but it's not ready for everyone yet. Scientists are busy making it safe and super-duper for all of us. Collagen manufacturers are providing unique plant-based solutions for the wellness industry.

Right now, they use tiny living things like yeast and bacteria to create it. It's like science magic! But if you don't like the idea of these tiny living things being changed, you can choose plant-based collagen. It's a safe option with no meat or dairy stuff. It's all good!

So, while vegan collagen is still a bit like a secret recipe, plant-based collagen is already here and ready to help you stay strong and healthy!


Are Plant Collagen and Vegan Collagen Different?

Yes, they're different!

Plant Collagen: It's like plant help for your collagen.

Vegan Collagen: Made by tiny creatures, without any animal stuff. They do similar jobs but in special ways.


Is Plant-Based Collagen Healthy?

Plant-based collagen works just as well as animal collagen.

Plant-based collagen can be a healthy choice. It's made from things like fruits and vegetables. But remember, it might not work like animal collagen because it's a little different. Pick a good one from a trusted company to stay safe and healthy!


Is Plant Collagen Better?

Plant-based collagen is way safer and works better than animal collagen since there's no making or taking out of "collagen" from these vegan collagen sources. It's the smart choice!


Which Is Better: Animal Collagen or Plant Collagen?

“It's not about one being better, and it is all about what suits you.” Some people like animal collagen, and others enjoy plant collagen, which is perfectly fine. It's just like picking your favorite toy!

People often think animal collagen is closer to human collagen, so it's often seen as more effective. But plant collagen can still be great and might be right if you enjoy plant-based living.



Collagen manufacturers continue to explore innovative ways to meet the demands of this era; thus, the collagen debate continues to evolve. Plant-based collagen derived from fruits and vegetables offers a healthier alternative with unique ingredients, such as corn peptide, pea peptide, and bitter melon peptide. A vegan collagen supplement is safe and effective for maintaining health and well-being. As a result, the choice of plant collagen depends on each individual's preferences and their dietary habits.

Post time: Nov-15-2023