
How to Test Collagen Quality ?

“Collagen is like the body's "glue" that holds things together.”

It's a special abundant protein in our skin, bones, muscles, and hair. Think of it as a solid and stretchy material that gives our body structure and strength. You can find collagen in foods like chicken, beef, fish, and other supplements. It's basically nature's way of helping us stay strong and put together.

You've probably heard much about collagen supplements for looking and feeling better. And if you are here, you are probably curious about how to check the quality of collagen, as any authority does not regulate it.

In this guide, we'll learn how to check if collagen is good so that you can decide wisely. Let's dive into this guide and discover the secrets of collagen's power!



➔ How to Test Collagen Quality?

    1. Solution Speed Test
    2. Aroma Evaluation
    3. Taste Examination
    4. Solution Appearance Analysis (Color Inspection)
    5. Manufacturers Reliability
    6. Conclusion

1) Solution Speed Test



The Solution Speed Test helps us understand how well collagen dissolves in water. Collagen is like a bunch of tiny building blocks that make up our skin, bones, and other parts of our body. When we mix collagen powder with water, it's like trying to build a tower with these blocks.

Imagine you're building a tower of blocks in water. If the blocks fit together nicely and the tower stands tall without falling apart, it means the collagen is good quality and dissolves easily. On the other hand, if the blocks don't fit well, and the tower becomes wobbly or falls apart, the collagen is not as good.

➔ How to do it?

“Take a glass baker, add 100ml of water, and mix in one spoon of collagen powder by shaking until it's fully blended.”

+ If the collagen dissolves wholly and quickly, it suggests that it is likely good quality. It means the "tower" of blocks is strong and sturdy.

- If the collagen takes a long time to dissolve, or if you notice clumps that don't break apart easily, the collagen might be less high quality. The "tower" of blocks might not hold together well.

2) Aroma Evaluation

From the dawn of human history, smell is 3rd most safe-checking sense after sight & hearing. For example, just by smelling, we can tell if the meat is rotten or fresh. In the same way, we can also tell if the collagen is of good quality or not. This aroma test is pretty simple, there is no need for special equipment, and you can do it at home.


Figure-no-2-Good quality collagen must smell good

➔ How to do it?

“Smell raw collagen in powder form, and then smell it after mixing it with water.”

+ Good-quality collagen should have a natural and neutral scent before and after making its water solution.

- If you notice any strange, firm, or unpleasant odors, it could be a sign that the collagen might not be of the best quality or isn’t pure.

3) Taste Examination



Taste is another great sense that humans possess, and as everything has its own unique taste, then checking collagen will really tell if it's good enough or not. However, wash your hands and any utensils you use to keep things clean; otherwise, you may change the taste. Lastly, If you have any allergies or health concerns, you should talk to a doctor before doing this test.

➔ How to do it?

“Make a collagen solution with water and take a small sip – you don't need a lot.”

Pay attention to how it tastes:

+ Neutral Taste: Good quality collagen should taste like, well, not much! It shouldn't have a strong or weird flavor. It may taste like water or a very faint taste.

- Off-Putting Flavors: If it tastes strange, bitter, or sour, that could indicate the collagen isn't perfect. Sometimes lower, quality collagen can have a taste that could be more pleasant.

4) Solution Appearance Analysis (Color Inspection)

Imagine if you're making a cup of tea – you expect the tea to be a specific color, right? Similarly, quality collagen should have a specific appearance when mixed with water.


This color inspection is like visual detective work. We're checking if the hydrolyzed collagen solution looks like it should, and any significant changes in color or cloudiness suggest that the collagen could be lower in quality.

➔ How to do it?

“Add a spoon of collagen in 100 ml water, mix it well, and pay close attention to its color.”

+  Collagen in good shape usually makes the solution murky at first, but later, it settles down and gives it a clear or slightly cloudy color. It's like a clean window that you can almost see through.

-  If the solution looks drastically different – maybe it's really murky or has a strange color – it could be a sign that the collagen might not be as good as it should be.

5) Reliable Manufacturers: Ensuring Trustworthy Collagen Sources



Last but not least, the manufacturer of your collagen is the main factor determining its quality because all the above tests are vague and can only be recognized by a professional. If you choose a reputable manufacturer with the following good signs, good quality is guaranteed;


  • Research: Spend some time researching different collagen brands. Look for companies that have a good reputation and positive customer reviews. This can give you an idea of their track record in producing quality products.


  • Transparency: Trustworthy collagen manufacturers[1]  are transparent about their sourcing and production processes. Check if the company provides information about where they source their collagen, how it's processed, and whether they adhere to quality standards.


  • Certifications: Look for certificates from reputable third-party organizations. Certifications like "GMP" (Good Manufacturing Practice) or "NSF International" indicate that the manufacturer follows strict quality and safety standards.


  • Ingredients: Examine the ingredient list on the collagen product. Ideally, the list should be short and contain collagen as the main ingredient. Be cautious if you see a long list of additives, fillers, or unfamiliar substances.


  • Testing: Trustworthy collagen suppliers often conduct third-party testing to verify the quality and purity of their collagen. Check if the product has been tested for contaminants, heavy metals, and other impurities.


  • Customer Support: Message the company’s customer support with any questions about their product. And if you get responsive and helpful customer service, it's a sign the manufacturer is confident about his/her product.


  • Reviews and Recommendations: Seek recommendations from healthcare professionals or trusted sources in the health and wellness industry. They can suggest reputable collagen brands based on their knowledge and experience.

➔ Conclusion

In our journey to explore collagen quality, we've unraveled the secrets behind reliable testing methods right from the comfort of our homes. By conducting the Solution Speed Test, Aroma Evaluation, Taste Examination, and Color Analysis, we've gained the tools to assess collagen's goodness.

Remember, quality collagen should dissolve smoothly, possess a neutral smell and taste, maintain its clear or slightly cloudy appearance, and originate from reputable manufacturers. By prioritizing brands that are transparent, certified, and committed to purity, like Yasin, you can confidently select collagen protein supplements that align with your well-being goals.

Post time: Aug-08-2023